THe Music starts here

Interested in joining the band? Contact Us.

Band Open House on April 3 during regular band times. All are invited. See calendar for times.

The West Suburban Home School Band (WSHSB), also known as The Patriots (for summer marching) was founded in the fall of 2001 to provide an opportunity for home schoolers, with or without any previous musical training, to have an excellent multi-level band experience. It provides a place to learn, grow and develop their musical talents and abilities. Following the model of a community band, it includes all wind instruments, woodwinds and brass, as well as a full percussion section. There are two concert trimesters during the school year, followed by the summer marching trimester.

Membership has grown significantly from 46 students/26 families in 2001. There are four band levels to accommodate those with no musical training whatsoever to those with advanced experience and abilities. The levels are Cadet, Concert Junior, Concert Senior and Symphonic. Experienced parents are welcome to participate and beginner parents are also accepted. Auditions are mandatory for all but Cadets, our beginners’ level.

During the summer marching trimester, The Patriots Marching Band performs in parades and other venues after participating in a preliminary practice and a week of marching camp. Participation in the marching band trimester, while encouraged, is voluntary and is open to current WSHSB members and non-members alike. The marching band helps to round out the musical experience and discipline for the students. Non-musician siblings or friends, complete the guard unit. The Little Patriots marching corps is for younger siblings of band members who march behind the band. This experience helps introduce them to what marching band is like.

Upcoming Events


The West Suburban Home School Band, or WSHSB in short, follows the model of a community band and includes all wind instruments, woodwinds and brass, as well as a full percussion section. There are no stringed instruments.

WSHSB Member’s News

Member’s News has the link to the weekly Rehearsal Notes PDF and for quick reference, Important Dates and Deadlines and the Sectional Chart are included. Download the weekly Rehearsal Notes for the week’s practice assignments and more.


To join the WSHSB a student must be home schooled. Those interested in joining the WSHSB, at any level but Cadet, must submit an audition video. Recommended minimum age for any level is nine. There are four skill levels to consider.

Become a WSHSB Booster. Sign up here!

Support the band and help our musicians thrive. Sign up today to become a WSHSB Booster!